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Never forget the people that make you great! Success is seldom a solo venture. It takes a team. And here at RE/MAX Garden City Realty Inc., while we have a collection of some of the finest realtors on the planet, we also have a team of professionals who work behind the scenes to make them great. Our administrative staff. From the front reception who meet and greet the public, through the tech people, the marketing people, back to the staff that handle compliance, accounting and such like we have undoubtedly the finest support team any real estate firm could possibly wish for.

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Whether you’re looking to sell your home this year, or just want to make some updates, I have put together six small home improvements that can make a BIG impact on your space! From improving saleability to refreshing your home, here are some simple and affordable ideas to help get you started:

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The relationship between landlords and tenants should in theory be a pretty simple one. Landlords provide a product for tenants to use. In the case of residential property that product is a dwelling for them to live in. In the case of commercial property it may be a building for them to run a business from. In either case, the tenant in return for the right to occupy the bricks and mortar, pays the landlord rent. With that rent, the landlord pays his expenses: mortgage, taxes, insurance, etc. And hopefully realizes a return on his investment. Pretty straight forward.

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To really understand the Canadian economy today especially as it is reflected in the Real Estate market, you need to travel back in time to the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Two factors need to be analyzed. Inflation rates and interest.

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The Homeowner Protection Act, 2024 (HPA), came into force on June 6, 2024. This legislative effort marks a significant step forward in protecting homeowners and buyers in Ontario and introduces several key measures aimed at ensuring fair practices in the real estate market, each of which will be given a brief review in turn.

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In our last article, we reviewed estate planning from the perspective of married couples. In this article we consider estate planning from the perspective of common law couples in blended families.

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They teach you a lot in Real Estate Licensing School. Regulatory Compliance issues as they apply first to the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act (REBBA) and now more recently the Trust in Real Estate Services Act (TRESA). And of course, a host of other Acts and guidelines. The New Condominium Act.

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At the start of every month, our real estate boards publish the sales stats for the previous month. It’s always interesting to see these figures and from them try to deduce where the market is going based on past and current performance.

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The spring housing market is upon us! Whether you’re looking to sell, buy, or want to ensure your mortgage is in order, knowing what to expect can help.

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